As an entrepreneur woman, I arrived in Canada full of hope and determination. But after some time, despite going out, learning, and meeting many supportive and kind people, I found my energy fading. I had left behind so much that I loved and belonged to, and I began to feel disconnected. My expectations of myself were high, and I became my harshest critic, feeling like I wasn’t living up to what I should be. The weight of it all was pulling me into a state of depression.

Then I met a supportive and lovely Iranian woman with a similar background. She had been in Canada for three years and shared her story—her feelings, challenges, and progress during her transition. Hearing her experiences was like a breath of fresh air. Because we shared the same language and culture, her story resonated deeply, touching my heart in a way that other conversations hadn’t.

This encounter inspired me to look for more successful Iranian women in Canada and learn from their journeys. But to my surprise, I couldn’t find much written about their experiences, even though I knew so many must have inspiring stories to tell. With over 100,000 Iranian women living in Canada, I realized how powerful it could be to bring these voices together.

I read Gina Cody’s story and watched her inspiring speeches, full of lessons and motivation. I also learned about remarkable women representing Canada on global stages, like the G20. Their achievements showed me the strength and potential within our community.

That’s when I knew: we need to come together. We need to share our stories to inspire and support one another. We need a community that empowers Iranian women in Canada to thrive—one that fosters a healthy transition for newcomers, helps passionate women launch their businesses, and keeps our rich history and culture alive for ourselves and the next generation.

And so, IPWOC was born. A place to celebrate, connect, and empower Iranian women, creating a community where we can all shine brighter together.


I am passionate about people and building meaningful communities. To me, life’s true purpose is found in creating a space where everyone can thrive and find happiness—a place that feels like home to those who share a sense of belonging. Together, let’s unite, grow, and build a brighter future.